Grass Business Labs
Open space for bright ideas

Workflow process
Once the customer's order is received, we assign the project to a knowledgeable Project Manager (PM) who sends out a welcome email with all the details of access to the client area.The PM makes a detailed Requirement Analysis. If any project related questions arise, they are clarified at this point
When we receive all the required information, the PM assigns the project to a markup specialist who immediately starts working on it. The client can monitor the process with the help of the centralized project tracking tool at any convenient time.
When the markup is completed, we pass it to our QA team which performs a range of various tests related to load times, W3C standards validation, browser compatibility and so on. All bugs are identified and fixed.
Once the customer is satisfied with end result, the product is ready for delivery. If implementation is included in the order, the markup is passed to our Implementation Team. This team works together with the client to implement the preferred CMS.
Compliance with CMMI
CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integration) is an approach aimed to improve organizational performance. CMMI-based improvement process includes identifying strong and weak points of organization processes. It also helps to turn weaknesses into strengths. CMMI applies to teams, projects, departments and entire companies. CMMI is implemented by numerous organizations worldwide.
CMMI models include only best practices that enable organizations to drastically improve effectiveness and quality of their operations. CMMI is the result of 20+ years of continuous work performed by the CMMI Product Team comprising of industry, government, and the SEI members. The SEI guarantees that the CMMI Product Suite will continually reflect the most effective practices.
Web Development
We are usually asked to develop software that helps our customers meet continuously changing requirements, and attain their business goals. Whether it's about delivering Web-based services to businesses and consumers or customizing internal systems, we create exactly what they need, however they want it delivered.
We love challenges. So, when it comes to tailored online software, we don't believe in any limits. Whatever the idea you have in mind, we can make it come true. Whether you've come up with a completely new concept, or you've seen something you like somewhere on the web, let us just take the idea, improve it, and make it suitable for your business.
Usually, our customers are small companies and start-ups. We know how to deliver value whilst keeping costs down. We've structured our working process in a way that ensures maximum return on investment and enhanced productivity. The major part of our customer projects involve free and/or open source platforms. We have a significant experience in incorporating open source and third-party software to provide the desirable result to end users. These third-party applications and services include Facebook, Twitter, Google Apps, SMS, payment gateways, etc.
Smart contracts are computer protocols presented in a digital form, intended to improve upon traditional legal contracts by validating the conditions of a contract and enforcing outcomes through code. The main aim of smart contracts is to provide high security and reduce other transaction costs associated with contracting. Such contracts are more reliable than regular contracts. Smart contracts can automate different processes, procedures, and operations. The core benefit of using smart contracts is that businesses will be able to bypass the imperfection of governmental and tax regulations.
To provide more secure, private, and low-cost solutions in smart contract implementation, Grass Business Labs team uses the Ethereum blockchain platform. It is built on a blockchain in which every transaction is recorded publicly. The key benefit of an Ethereum contract is that it allows the exchange of money and other assets faster and more cheaply than relying on a long chain of brokers. In addition to the operations with virtual currency, the software provides an easy way to create online markets and transactions with program logic known as smart contracts.
Mobile Applications
The customers in today's world are on the move and they're using mobile application platforms to get there. Whether they use mobile phones, tablets, or other mobile devices they have all the information they need. That's why mobile apps are so much important in today's market.
You need to understand that mobile apps allow customers to have all your information at their fingertips. Also, it is important that your app works on multiple mobile application platforms. But for beginning, start with one platform.
No matter what your business is, a mobile app can help you get and retain customers, and that's a fact. We all know that the first place customers go to search for a product or service is online. If your business is available online, and plus you have an app that users can download to their devices, your business will make really good impression. At a glance they will be able to see and open your app and purchase from your business.
you're safe with us
Our team structure ensures the most transparent processes, direct communications, short feedback loops, and fast issue resolution. It also creates a level of motivation and responsibility that you simply won't find in larger organisations
We have no sales people, no project managers and no account managers. There are no extra layers of management separating you from the people who get the job done. All our developers are experienced at a system architect level. These people are more likely to "get it right" first time, not only because they understand your goals better, but also because they can spot the gaps and omissions in your requirements, and find the best solutions to your problems.
We make strict NDAs with our clients. All your copyrights remain yours - we are not going to re-use them or sell them to third parties. We will not contact your clients as we aim to establish long term customer relations. You get an invoice only when the order is completed and all the issues are resolved. If you are not satisfied with the result you don't have to pay the invoice.
Customer satisfaction is paramount for us, that's why and we do not make promises which we can't fulfill. We guarantee that we will work very hard to ensure your satisfaction with the end product.
Privacy & Refund Policy
This policy covers how we use your personal information. We take your privacy seriously and will take all measures to protect your personal information.
Any personal information received will only be used to fill your order. We will not sell or redistribute your information to anyone.
If you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase, within 120 days from the purchase date, we will fully refund the cost of your order.